The last thing guys want to hear is "we need to talk " because they believe it's time to get bashed for something they did wrong, probably weeks or months ago.
How many times do we say to God "we need to talk"? Is it because He is not guilty of any wrong? No, that shouldn't be the case. We should need to talk to Him every day because our life depends on Him, He is our Before Anyone Else . And guys how many times have you heard God say "we need to talk "? but you felt He is going to bash you for something you did wrong so you didn't listen or talk to Him? Truth is He wants to talk ; no long list of things we falter at, just talk like lovers.
Our talk with God is called prayer and that's how we communicate with Him. Many times when you encourage people to pray every passing moment, their best defense is they don't speak in tongues so they can't pray for long because they would be short of words. God only understands one language;FAITH. If you are speaking another language then it's a problem. One major reason we are not getting what we ask is because of language barrier. It's not speaking our local dialect or speaking in tongues; it's praying without faith. Maybe this would help; let's go to Hebrews 11:6- "but without faith it's impossible to please God,for he who comes to God must believe that he is...." Let's look carefully at this "must believe that He is ". The verse 1 of this very chapter defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Have we seen God with our eyes? No but He demands that if we come to Him we must believe that He is. He is whatever and whoever we want Him to be and it's with faith we ought to believe that and talk to Him.
That said, let's talk.
Our Lord and master Jesus, the Majestic king who rode on a colt, who was born in a manger and was crucified for our salvation which has made us righteous. We bless you for another day, a day to make right the wrongs of yesterday,and the many more days, weeks and years ahead that you have loaded with blessings. Jehovah is your name. The God who preserves our life. The One who watches over us. The king of our heart, the ruler of the universe. The One who has the whole world in His hands. Our God our healer, protector, our number one lover, provider and dependable friend. The one who doesn't lie, the One who changeth not. Unto You we give our all, we surrender to Your unfailing love and abundance mercy. We thank You for our lives. We thank You that we are prosperous, we thank You for the divine health, we thank You for healing our hearts, sickness,finances, and families.
We thank You for our businesses and our jobs. Our relationships and marriages. We thank You for our dutiful and God fearing Children and spouses and we thank You for making us loving and God fearing partners. We thank You for the great future ahead and the great ministries You have blessed us with. We rest in Your finished works on the cross where you disarmed principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them. Therefore we know that sickness has no power over us. Diseases cannot dwell in our bodies because it's the temple of God. We rely on Your consuming fire to consume any foul thing in our lives and bodies. We rely on Your sword to slay any evil arrow or eye that's working against us and our families. We know it's only Your blessings that makes a man rich and adds no sorrows therefore we seek our milk and honey from You alone. We thank You for the fruit of the Spirit, we thank You for the Holy Spirit that teaches, guides and convicts us. We thank You that you take us as we are even in our unfaithfulness and You continue to work on us unto perfection.
We thank You for the wonderful family and friends You have blessed us with. We thank You for their well being. We thank you for blessing their homes, their jobs their businesses, their fiances, their health, their relationships, their marriages. We leave our will in Your hands. Teach us how to love and spread peace. We submit to Your words and wait for Your direction before we move. Father we want to live for You and we know Your grace is sufficient for us. Lead us through the way and may we be obedient in the course. Amen.
This is no prayer formular because I haven't exhausted everything. I want us to know the thousand and one and still counting list of things we can talk to God about ; no restrictions at all. Worry about nothing, pray about everything(philipians 4:6-7). Everything about you concerns God because our lives are hid in Christ in Him. Its no longer we who live but it's Christ that lives in us(Gal 2:20) But if you have not the father you have not the son(1 John 2:23).
Let me digress here a little, this life doesn't end here. There's life after here and that is why Paul said if you think in this life only you have hope in Christ then you are amongst all men the most miserable (1 chori 15:19). When you want to get a job, we hear the popular "it's about who you know and what you have" well that's true and if you are a Christian you shouldn't be scared; you should know We have God and know God and He got the greatest connections; He created that Ceo or branch manager, He gives Him breath and His life is in His hands. Would He refuse when God tells Him to hire you?, he dare not.
Now here is the thing, there is life after here and let's be clear there are only 2 destinations; heaven and hell. These places also play by the same rules; Do you know Me (God)? (maybe you have heard about him so you know Him) but do you have Me (God)? (after hearing about Him and believing that He could be real, did you accept Him?). If you haven't, go to Him just as you are, ask for forgiveness and accept Him into your life as your Lord and personal Saviour. Go boldly to Him( heb 4:16). You won't be willing to listen to Him and talk to Him unless you know and have Him.
Don't always go to God with a shopping list, go with a donation list and a tongue of faith. We should also listen when God talks and then act accordingly. Noah did everything God asked Him to do because when God spoke he listened. Our every second should be "dear God, we "need to talk" and when He says "my Dear, we need to talk " don't run away or give excuses because it's a need to talk to our maker every time. Pray without ceasing( 1thes 5:17).
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How many times do we say to God "we need to talk"? Is it because He is not guilty of any wrong? No, that shouldn't be the case. We should need to talk to Him every day because our life depends on Him, He is our Before Anyone Else . And guys how many times have you heard God say "we need to talk "? but you felt He is going to bash you for something you did wrong so you didn't listen or talk to Him? Truth is He wants to talk ; no long list of things we falter at, just talk like lovers.
Our talk with God is called prayer and that's how we communicate with Him. Many times when you encourage people to pray every passing moment, their best defense is they don't speak in tongues so they can't pray for long because they would be short of words. God only understands one language;FAITH. If you are speaking another language then it's a problem. One major reason we are not getting what we ask is because of language barrier. It's not speaking our local dialect or speaking in tongues; it's praying without faith. Maybe this would help; let's go to Hebrews 11:6- "but without faith it's impossible to please God,for he who comes to God must believe that he is...." Let's look carefully at this "must believe that He is ". The verse 1 of this very chapter defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Have we seen God with our eyes? No but He demands that if we come to Him we must believe that He is. He is whatever and whoever we want Him to be and it's with faith we ought to believe that and talk to Him.
That said, let's talk.
Our Lord and master Jesus, the Majestic king who rode on a colt, who was born in a manger and was crucified for our salvation which has made us righteous. We bless you for another day, a day to make right the wrongs of yesterday,and the many more days, weeks and years ahead that you have loaded with blessings. Jehovah is your name. The God who preserves our life. The One who watches over us. The king of our heart, the ruler of the universe. The One who has the whole world in His hands. Our God our healer, protector, our number one lover, provider and dependable friend. The one who doesn't lie, the One who changeth not. Unto You we give our all, we surrender to Your unfailing love and abundance mercy. We thank You for our lives. We thank You that we are prosperous, we thank You for the divine health, we thank You for healing our hearts, sickness,finances, and families.
We thank You for our businesses and our jobs. Our relationships and marriages. We thank You for our dutiful and God fearing Children and spouses and we thank You for making us loving and God fearing partners. We thank You for the great future ahead and the great ministries You have blessed us with. We rest in Your finished works on the cross where you disarmed principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them. Therefore we know that sickness has no power over us. Diseases cannot dwell in our bodies because it's the temple of God. We rely on Your consuming fire to consume any foul thing in our lives and bodies. We rely on Your sword to slay any evil arrow or eye that's working against us and our families. We know it's only Your blessings that makes a man rich and adds no sorrows therefore we seek our milk and honey from You alone. We thank You for the fruit of the Spirit, we thank You for the Holy Spirit that teaches, guides and convicts us. We thank You that you take us as we are even in our unfaithfulness and You continue to work on us unto perfection.
We thank You for the wonderful family and friends You have blessed us with. We thank You for their well being. We thank you for blessing their homes, their jobs their businesses, their fiances, their health, their relationships, their marriages. We leave our will in Your hands. Teach us how to love and spread peace. We submit to Your words and wait for Your direction before we move. Father we want to live for You and we know Your grace is sufficient for us. Lead us through the way and may we be obedient in the course. Amen.
This is no prayer formular because I haven't exhausted everything. I want us to know the thousand and one and still counting list of things we can talk to God about ; no restrictions at all. Worry about nothing, pray about everything(philipians 4:6-7). Everything about you concerns God because our lives are hid in Christ in Him. Its no longer we who live but it's Christ that lives in us(Gal 2:20) But if you have not the father you have not the son(1 John 2:23).
Now here is the thing, there is life after here and let's be clear there are only 2 destinations; heaven and hell. These places also play by the same rules; Do you know Me (God)? (maybe you have heard about him so you know Him) but do you have Me (God)? (after hearing about Him and believing that He could be real, did you accept Him?). If you haven't, go to Him just as you are, ask for forgiveness and accept Him into your life as your Lord and personal Saviour. Go boldly to Him( heb 4:16). You won't be willing to listen to Him and talk to Him unless you know and have Him.
Don't always go to God with a shopping list, go with a donation list and a tongue of faith. We should also listen when God talks and then act accordingly. Noah did everything God asked Him to do because when God spoke he listened. Our every second should be "dear God, we "need to talk" and when He says "my Dear, we need to talk " don't run away or give excuses because it's a need to talk to our maker every time. Pray without ceasing( 1thes 5:17).
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