Please! Thats My Spouse.

Hands off her, your lips apart.
Put some clothes on and zip up.
Don't wear that skimpy dress to flirt or seduce him.
Don't use money as a bait to "have her".

Now dating has become what benefits ( emotional, money wise,prestige,etc) one can get and what they can give to get it. Very few people are in relationships for what it's really for and still living a chaste life.
It's true that most people don't match their actions with their words, but asking for romantic and sexual gestures to show you love them is not only needless but puts you on a time ticking bomb.
It would be difficult to not fall into temptation because instead of fleeing, we are staying to fight it.  You two might have been fighting it for the past years together, but be honest, how many times have you won?
"It's wise to flee when tempted- A fool is one who'd stay;
For those who toy with evil soon learn it doesn't pay".—D. De Haan.
You know your weaknesses and strengths; many at times even our seeming strengths are not even strengths because it hasn't been tested. I know people who thought they had their anger in check until they encountered a situation where they flew off the handle.
You wear that skimpy dress around him when you know he isn't a log but you still do it to lead Him on. He is God-fearing so his hormones has been shut into the tomb with Jesus? Did you forget that the stone at the tomb has been rolled over and Jesus has risen😅.
It was a mistake to have thought that behaving in a suggestive manner( kissing, touching, and all the other possible inventions) would not spark anything in them.

You if go to a Mart, you won't pick something off the shelves and start eating when you haven't paid for it, and if you are the Mart keeper, you won't give out things to your customer to take home or eat before they pay, why?  Because;
1. there are Rules
2. You are a gentleman / lady so you respect rules as well as yourselves.
3. You/ They might not end up buying it because you may change your mind, or other possible reasons.
There you have it. Now let's explore these 3 things.

🎀Because you don't want to be embarrassed at the mart, you pay before you eat. Why then can't we obey our Lord Jesus Christ when He asked us to flee youthful lust.
2Tim 2:22 - Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. We need to be law abiding Christians.

🎀If you respect yourself enough, you wouldn't want to "taste something you haven't yet paid for,  and neither would you give out something for free unless you have received the price for it (unless it's for charity, but your body isnt) because you know it's illegal. Bible asks that we treat each other as brothers and sisters. Would you even be happy if someone treats your sister that way? least of all, would you do that to your sister?

🎀Thirdly, if you fornicate or do anything ungodly with them and you end up not marrying them, what then becomes the case? Many people who cheat on their wives/ husband cheat with their "ex" and it's not debatable because they formed a bond when they were sleeping together whiles dating. Don't put your future spouse through hell because of what you are doing now with someone's potential future husband/ wife.
So you might be 100% certain that you would end up together, but until you two are honored by God in the right way, please keep off someone's potential  future wife/ husband.
You can't be praying for a virgin and Godly wife when you are "messing" with someone's potential future wife, are you being fair? You can't be praying for a Boaz and be "gleaning" in someone else's field, is it fair?

"What is the real reason that you are discussing erotic subjects and or themes or playing erotic music or watching erotic movies, just the two of you? That man you are with is potentially somebody else's future husband and you are potentially someone else’s future wife, but here you are talking about such intimate details with him. Be faithful to your future spouse, although you do not as yet know him or her! By prematurely discussing and exposing yourself to such sexy themes in your friendship or relationship, you are no longer acting as a sister/brother in Christ in that situation but you are setting yourselves up emotionally and psychologically for potential physical intimacy" - Tera Carissa Hodges.

Don't let a one day occasion lead you to make a very bad decision that you would regret for the rest of your life. Show respect to your current love interest because they are equally someone's potential spouse, and some one would treat your future husband /wife  with the same measure of respect. Have boundaries and respect it.

It's Valentine's Day already, even as you celebrate with your loved ones, don't forget the father of love; if you love me, obey my commandments..
God loves us more; His love is not occasional, but in all seasons.

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