You are not really Humble

Many people are walking in false humility believing that humility is about having that cool demeanor, using "please" "sorry" and "thank you ", smiling even when you are being wronged, talking calmly and a series of others but humility is submission and obedience. The humble pray.

"If My people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land "- 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV.

๐ŸŒธThis text reveals to us that it's the humble who pray. It means we are not humble if we don't talk to God and invite Him into our daily affairs. It's through prayers that God's will for us on earth will be established just as it is in heaven. In prayer, we are agreeing to God's control over us and letting him play the lead role in our lives.
If you are part of the section of people who are a little unsettled about why we should pray and not let things take its natural course, Cindy Jacobs in her book Power of Persistent Prayers puts it this way for a better understanding "As His [God] children, we are divinely chosen stewards of the earth. Prayer - walking and talking with our father - is integral to the Christian life because it brings us back to the reason we were created in the first place. He wants us back to create mandate - all the way back to the garden". She also added that "God created the earth with the necessity for prayer built into the equation. He already had the angels and all of heaven, but He wanted fellowship with us.
Each day, God thinks about you, and is excited when you wake up because He wants to see you grow, fulfill your gifts...".

If we go about our activities without praying, it's a defiant way of saying 'we are in charge' and that indicates a submission problem. We cannot confess our love to God and at the same time shut Him out of our lives. It simple means we want God to provide us with your needs but we don't want to talk to Him or ask Him. Which parent would permit that? . In prayer we are telling God 'my life is not my own, unto you it belongs, take preeminence over it, I submit myself to your leadership and fellowship, protect our walk with you, let your will be done'.

๐ŸŒธIf we don't live by the word of God, we are not humble.
Jesus wasn't referred to as humble only because He chose His words carefully, but because He submitted to His course even to the point of death on the cross (Philippians 2: 5-11). What's our course on earth? To live a victorious life that glorifies God, to have dominion over the earth. Anything or anytime we do anything that doesn't honor God, we are not being humble and we know what God does. "He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble" - James 4:6. It's therefore by no magic that after Jesus endured the cross and suffered the shame, He was highly exalted.

This might sound harsh but in fact is the reality. We don't have the right to question God why something turned out wrong if we didn't pray for His direction and protection. Job had the right to question God and he was vindicated.
Anytime we go contrary to the word we are being proud, and we know the devil is the father of pride which is why he lost his place in heaven. "Pride goes before a fall"- Proverbs 16:18. The devil will always encourage us to do contrary to the word of God because he can't stand anyone siding with God, and that's why when we go contrary to God's word, we have an element of pride in us. Following God's word is a daily and conscious decision and only the humble can do that.

Anytime you find yourself in a position of prayerlessness or flaunting God's command, then pride has set in and funny enough, prayer and word study are the only antidote. "Resist the devil and he will flee" - James 4:7.
Therefore put on the whole armor of God as instructed in Ephesians 6:11 and live the victorious Christian life expected of you. Anytime we take our eyes off God, pride is due to set in therefore let's fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Stay prayed up. God bless you.

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  1. I love this message... You've spoken soo insightfully..... Keep it up....

  2. I love this message... You've spoken soo insightfully..... Keep it up....


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