Decisions are what takes us to a place we have dreamt about or brings us to ruins. Great decisions benefits the person who makes it and goes a long way to influence the lives of others.
We might have heard, read or studies about how Abraham's obedience which became a decision to live his home in pursuit of God's plan for his life has gone a long way to bless generations upon generations and we even proudly call ourselves seeds of Abraham. Same way the decision of Jonah to run away from God's assignment almost caused his life and that of those in the ship with Him.
In Philippians, Paul told the people the essence of true knowledge and perfect judgement; which also opens our eyes to what's at the other side if we don't work with these two elements in our Christian walk.
Philippians 1:9-11- " I pray that your love will keep on growing more and more, together with true knowledge and perfect judgment, so that you will be able to choose what is best. Then you will be free from all impurity and blame on the Day of Christ. Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God." Amen.
True knowledge and perfect judgement are the elements in making the best decision and choices.
Good knowledge helps make a well informed decision, and perfect judgement is devoid of prejudice. True knowledge is knowledge from Christ because there's no evil in God and neither is there lies in Him.
Now choosing what's best goes a long way to influence your stand in Christ.
If you choose to spread love regardless of who the person is and what their past is, its because you have knowledge of the love of Christ that doesn't discriminate. Also because you know you were once in darkness and have been brought into His marvelous light.
If you choose to abstain from immorality, it's because you are well informed that our bodies are the temple of God and it has no contract with harlotry.
Meaning, a wrong knowledge bring jeopardy to your life because it causes you to make wrong choices.
Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children".(KJV)
If your acquired knowledge teaches you that no matter what you do God will never love you because of your sins, then it makes you swim the more in sin because you don't believe in redemption through the royal blood of Christ Jesus.
If your knowledge teaches you that "you must use what you have to get what you want" you end up giving out your body for the gains of this world when the truth is, you can get things by marrying prayer with actions directed by God.
If your knowledge teaches you that it's nothing wrong to covet that which belongs to a brother, you would make bad decisions of robbing people of things they have worked hard to gain, and where's the blessing in that?
How do you judge things before making a decision even after gaining true knowledge? Do you look at it through the lens of God or that of the world? Are you basing it on love? What's God's standards and expectations of us as His children? Waring with Choices w"What would Jesus do,think or say?" should top the list of the questions you might have. What is the motive and what do I hope to gain?Would it glorify God?
We buy certain products and not others, we go to certain places and forbid our legs to carry us to other places, we eat certain foods and make certain choices based on what we know. People choose who they want to marry and spend the rest of their lives with, the places the want to build their homes, the kind of people they would want to employ and a lot more on every tiny detail that matters in life. Some later realized their judgement were wrong because they didn't have the right knowledge. Many have raced to court to sue their spouses because they believe they have been defrauded or blindsided about something they thought they knew or should have been made aware of.
Before you form a judgement about someone, a situation or whatever it is, you need to be sure you have true knowledge about them or it.
Making the best choice is a step to living a blameless life, and that can only be obtained by true knowledge and perfect judgement.
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