It’s no secret that the candy works its magic on little kids. If you want her to stop crying just give her a candy and she would be mute.
“Candy? Really girl? I am not a baby, no way anyone would use candy as a bait on me” is your solid statement but you still accepted the promise ring in the name of a soon to happen wedding, which you have been hearing over the past 3 years and still counting. Come on swedy, even kids graduate to a point where candy can’t silence them.
   You choose to use hand-gesture every time during chats with friends and workers because you are proud you got a candy; oops sorry promise ring. Any time he slaps or abuses you, you look at the candy on your finger and silently quote Romans 8:18- “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that would be revealed”. Sweetheart that pick up line is out of context. 
At church, all the sermons and messages about hope, perseverance and future glory seem to be your anchor for being secondary unmarried even when good and God fearing men are coming to you, because you got a candy on your finger.
You are playing “wife” to him and giving him the husband treatment; how is he going to ask you about getting your bridal set? If he is going to marry you, he would have by now because to him promises are meant to be broken and he knows you are still wearing the candy and that has silenced you. You are a joke to him; He still sees you as a little kid.
Every time you go to your friend’s wedding, you catch the bouquet and tell them to get their yellow and blue dress ready. (Yes you’ve got the colours picked already).
You can’t even answer when people ask you if you are married. When mum starts telling you that you are aging and starts talking about having grandchildren, you refer her to Sarah. Darling, Sarah’s story was about bearing a child; she wasn’t wearing Abraham’s Lacoste at his home taking selfies and waiting for him to take her to the altar.
If the promise ring was equivalent to the wedding ring, why hasn’t he vowed to love and cherish you, for richer for poorer till death do you two apart. He might as well continue to beat you to death; I guess that’s when death would do you two apart and at this point you might be thinking death did you a favour.
Now you are the greatest concern of your friends but you keep telling them that God told you he is the One. He lies to you, cheats on you, beats you, makes you fornicate and God told you he is the One? You mean to say my God is crazy to let you marry someone who abuses you and fornicate with you even before marriage? Honey, God didn’t tell you, it’s you emotions. 
He treats you badly but you get him morning coffee and do the laundry. You then start shopping for scarfs and dark shades (*I bet we all know what demands for that dress code*). He is the only who truly cares and makes you special? Girl you got God? No one can fill the void in your heart. The only one who can satisfy the human heart is the one who made it; God. 
Free but expensive advice; Let him put a ring on your finger before God and vow to cherish you forever and always. You have a price tag; God paid for your debt so you are priceless. God didn’t promise to pay the price; He actually did so don’t settle for a candy. Pick up you tail and leave; should I do it through a dialogue or through abduction? (*laughs*)


  1. I am mermerized by this article. Am highly dumbfounded by the intense truth revealed. I guess somebody has to wise up and get packing. That candy has blur ur sight, diminished the mind, and cealed the heart. Somebody wise up.. Hilda u have killed it

  2. thanks dear. its my prayer that as God reveals to us things we have to let go, we would act promptly so as to let Hs purpose for us be fulfilled

  3. This is such a great piece which teaches a lot. Thanks Sissy.

  4. Wow!!! All i got to say.


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