The look of confusion we make when we put “knock before you enter” at the door but we don’t know if our siblings ever see it or they are temporarily blind and it’s only because of the relationship we have with them. There are some people that we would only talk to them in front of our house, others we would let them come in but sit at the porch, some would get into the sitting room and just a handful would get into our rooms; the distinction is clear and it’s not pride.
I have come to know that if you let in every Tom, Dick and Harry, you are going to find it difficult to get Tom, Dick and Harry out. What am I saying? You expect everyone to leave the choice of acceptance to you but you still leave the door wide open as if to say “come in all who are thirsty and hungry and I will give you rest” when in actual sense you are not Jesus if not you wouldn’t even be needing that rest you are offering. We don’t have to allow everything into our life; garbage in, garbage out. It’s not what enters a man’s mouth that makes Him unclean but what comes out of his mouth (Matt 15: 11) but as a man thinketh in his heart, so is He (prov 23:7). How did the thought get there, it’s that which you allow to enter by the eyes, ears and mouth.
Yes you are friendly and love everyone like Jesus but you are not Jesus so you don’t know the heart of everyone so for you not to end up with people who wouldn’t add anything to your life, you need to be led by Jesus with your choices and hang the “knock before you enter” post on your life and you have the right to ask “who is there?”
Jesus loves everyone even though He is against envy, drunkenness, adultery, sorcery, etc (refer to Gal 5: 20-21) but did He have His disciples fornicating, committing murder, and so on? not as if they were pretending to be good people but because they knew the calibre of person they were with and they just don’t want to risk it (they had their own individual differences though); so if James was the back-biting type, he wouldn’t do that around Jesus and most certainly he would not have to because most of the time he was with Jesus. (If you can’t; that’s the exit).
You don’t have to be friends with everyone. Help them, love them, raise them up, build them, snatch them from the pitiful fire but you don’t have to be friends with them. Jesus even had a disciple that he loved. He didn’t only introduce John to His mother but he told him to take care of His mother; can you leave your little sister in the care of your male friends? Jesus even made a choice in selecting His disciples; why then can’t we choose our friends? Be with people who are on the same mission as you. (Jesus is always the example)

A man once told me that the people he keep around him as friends don’t smoke and if any of them does then that means they are going to have to hide it from him because they know what their friendship with him means. It’s not pride; it’s just not allowing the wrong energy around him. Our friendship and relationship with certain people are just a waste of time; they would sap you dry, some would abuse you emotionally and some would only bring trouble to your door.
 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at your door and its desire is for you, but you should rule over it-Gen 3:7. We all need a “doorman” in our life (*standards*) that would check the kind of people and things that come in so we wouldn’t spend half our years trying to get them out of our lives because some of them stick so hard it’s impossible to get them out; stay strong.

There is someone else who knocks; it’s a familiar knock but it’s not Mum; depending on how much we want this person in our life, we knock at His door too. Funny thing is, this time we are not expecting Him to live up to our standard but rather we want to look our best to Him. He is the only perfect gentleman that somehow we wish He wasn’t and that He should just break into the room and start a conversation with us. He is Jesus and when He knocks you should answer because He comes bearing only the good things in life and He is just the right company for you. Knock knock; here He comes.

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