Ladies, This is War

Chin up ladies,
 It's not all rosy and butterflies and glitters and fairies. It's a lot of work to make it all rosy and also War- because the devil is holding a club against it. There would be great times and the testing times; it depends on how ready you are to handle it and work through it . It's a marathon with no finish line (because God is against it being apart ) and sure it gets easier if you work hard - I am talking about Marriage.
If you can't stand in prayer, please don't marry; I know it's not scribbled in the bible but that's my honest advice, unless you don't care what happens, then fine go ahead and throw the wedding of the year but remember marriage is an institution by God so if it doesn't go well, it's a stain on His reputation.
This war is not only for the ladies - the men inclusive but I write this to exhort our Rubies. I will like to state on the record that Women don't need to be powerful, we already are; what we need is the Holy Spirit leading us. You can either be a  Delilah or a Deborah; the Holy Spirit makes the difference.

Gen 3:1 "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" The devil knows His targets. All this while Adam was in the garden, the serpent never tempted Him with an apple because most likely he wont fall for it, but He knows he can get to Adam through Eve. Head up my sweet lady..the devil is roaring like a lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8), let it not be you. Don't be the means to infiltrate your marriage with poison.
 This poisoning can be so subtle It might not directly bring disagreement between you and your husband but it would make you loose something God has in store; the devil will steal it. Remember he came only to steal, kill and destroy and his target is anything instituted by God.
This energy needed is not only for those who want to marry a pastor or anyone who works directly in the church. Even if he is a pilot or a banker or an entrepreneur He has to be God fearing and you need this warfare. If you are not looking to marry a Godly man because you don't want to be a career woman and double as a "prayer warrior" here is great news for you... You are doomed from the very start because the devil will graciously and effortlessly roll you two up and kick you to hell- BUT- they that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10 :13).
When the poison starts spreading and you start complaining  you would often hear, "don't give the devil so much power" as if to say the devil doesn't have a hand in it but you carelessly gave Him access; you and your home were unguarded. When the enemy comes against you like a flood, God shall raise a standard against him( Isaiah 59:19) but since you left God out, the enemy would surely come against you and by any chance succeed. Therefore submit to God; don't give the devil a chance, resist him and he would flee (James 4:7).

People are going to be against you for bearing children while they are celebrating 5 years anniversary of childlessness  in marriage ( may God open their wombs, Amen) you need to shield their arrows with prayer, others are going to come to you for advice because you have become a symbol of honor, would you give a good one? God is going to withhold or withdraw certain things from you, would you stay put and trust Him or you would go get it somewhere.
Also know that not everyone would be happy about your marriage; some of your unmarried friends would hide their envy, even the married one who think your marriage is a plethora of milk and honey so you need to continuously make your grass green. Don't go in with that fantasy of it being all glorious; it's time for work and there is no break because the one working against it isn't taking a nap or a french leave.
"and they decided that they won't eat until they have killed Paul" (Acts 23:12). You would face some physical opposition with the ones unseen the most dangerous but thanks be to God that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (2 Chori 10:4)

This post is not to discourage you from getting married;not at all, I wouldn't be against an institution made by God, never - I am telling you to dilute the fantasies and take up mantles you need to make it great so that it would bring glory to God . If it doesn't go well, it's a stain on the reputation of God and that would make you a bad witness of God's glory and unfailing love.

Ladies, if you love, you give.
There may be times when there would be no money and you would have to give to support the family or "rescue" your husband as many selfish women put it. No, you are not rescuing your husband, your are being a help meet. And when you are able to help, it's not for the ears of Gina, Linda or Juana. Your friends whose marriage you envy won't tell you because they like their private issues to remain "private" but they are supporting in all ways possible to make their family a happy one. You and your husband are one body and flesh so if you allow him to be disgraced out there you would get your fair share. When you slap someone, their cheeks might turn red but their eyes does the crying;  that's the connection . There are times you would have to put up a united front to everyone else when perhaps you are cracking beneath and your home is undergoing a tornado. During such times be careful who you vent to;  if you tell God, it stays between the two of you. Don't refuse to celebrate your husband because of his flaws. If everyone's flaw is brought to bare, no one would be celebrated. It's true you might have issues, but who doesn't? Cheer him on as he leads you, correct Him with love and watch him love you like Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.

There are internal battles to fight as well, divorce being first on the list. The devil will hit your marriage with Selfishness, anger, mistrust, misunderstanding,  Prayerlessness, unforgiveness, adultery,  laziness, stiff neck, childlessness, financial crises among others. You have to let your ego go and allow God work on you and build your faith to handle it  ( and the guys as well) Let Him tear down your defenses and built another city solidly embedded on the rock of Jesus Christ. When you keep failing in any of these subject, God would make you keep writing till you pass, no skipping. You have to humbly submit to the painful process and watch Him expose your weakness to you even as He fortifies them.

The early bird catches the early worm. The work starts from now, even in your single season of waiting, even as you have met your better half and you are making preparations (please be sure God agrees with him not your emotions). Invest prayers into
your marriage. As Christians one thing that brings us victory is facing our battles in prayer before we actually face them out there.
As Christians, we are always waging war and marriage is no exception...

Merry Christmas 🎄 and a fruitful elevated New Year.. see you in 2017.. Love you all 💋.
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