In the minds of students, all a school does is take money for the tutoring they receive, but for the school, it is to instil knowledge into those who patronize it; money is the reward of their work.
Marriage is an institution created by God. It's main purpose is not only to give licence to have sex and reproduce children and show love to your partner in unlimited ways. There's more to it.
It's true the devil always attacks anything God establishes, but in marriage it's on a different level altogether. You find very good Christians who date, court, and keep to purity and chastity and through it all they might have a little hitch here and there, but once they get married, then it seems like the devil doesn't only sleeps in the bed but becomes a multiple person in all the rooms, including the kitchen and he is always walking around with a knife and a club just to separate them.
Most often he attacks the head; when there is no head, the body is useless. It's interesting how the serpent didn't deceive Adam when he was alone, but he came around when God established the marriage.
Sometimes he uses his lying tongue, cunningness and slyness to attack the woman or even with little things that don't matter.
As I spoke about in Ladies, This is War Eve was the weak link in that circumstance; she gave the devil a passage into their happy home and strained their relationship with God.
The big question is why is the devil against marriage and what is the purpose of marriage that scares the devil so much that he won't sleep till he breaks it.? If marriage was just about procreation, then the devil would just leave it and go malfunction something worthwhile.
The devil will strive to break a marriage (Christian one for that matter) because of what it stands for, but we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy- 2 Corinthians 2:1.
It's the only thing in the Christiandom called an Institution. So what kind of institutions is it?
Let's find out...
Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Gen 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Help meet ?
This is not just about cooking, taking care of the house, supporting the Man financially and all that comes with it. It's helping the man to do that which God has called Him to do. This is not to mean the lady would put her life on hold, but they would both help each other to grow in Christ and if really God ordained the marriage their ministry would be intertwined in a way.
Not when Jones wants to take a holiday, Grace would have a speaking engagement at the said date and it's going to make Jones fume. There must be understanding because they represent the body of Christ. Yes, holidays and dates are great to keep the marriage alive, but when there is no commitment to a goal because one party doesn't have a passion for it or doesn't understand that calling, then there would be a problem, whereas there is supposed to be orderliness.
# Purpose
God has deposited so much in you so that both of you fulfil your God given purpose, so in this case if the woman allows the devil to corrupt her reasoning, both of you are in trouble. Scriptures insisted that we don't be unequally yoked; not only in the sense of believing in Christ but also the values we share.
According to Gen 2:31, the two would be made one flesh, and God wouldn't want any sort of confusion with unequal belief. There's task ahead, not the time for confusion. I am not saying you should marry someone who does everything like you, attended the same school or church with you, No. You compliment each other with your weakness and strength. The oneness in flesh must be of the mind. Unity is not in numbers; it's of the mind, so being equally yoked is being one in spirit and in mind; as Paul would put it "singleness of the heart".
It's about purpose. Everyone has their God given purpose and so is every ministry. Marriage is a ministry, a ministry by God because He founded and establish it.
The Devil would stand against anything to advance God's kingdom. He has seen two people become one flesh and their undying urge to fulfill God's will together. He tried that with Jesus and he is regretting till now because he didn't know God's master plan was for Jesus to die for us.
Marriage is also an institution for birthing children and nurturing them to the full potentials that has been deposited into them; this is what Christ expect. They may possibly lack in some aspects when they undergo single parenting so it's best to have both mother and father, because that was how God intended it to be. That's another reason the devil will fight marriage because the perfect combination of a man and a woman raising children for the kingdom gives the devil a migraine and temporal stroke.
It's not going to be cuddling and whispering sweet words all day all night. It's time to pull up the boots and get to work. Don't marry only because of love, or pressure or the numerous funny reasons. Marry because you are spiritually, mentally and financially prepared. Like I always say; if it goes bad on your watch, you become a bad witness of God's great establishment. Always remember, it's man's Chief end to glorify God in all that we do...
Have a wonderful new month. 💖🎉🎇🎆
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